Monday, February 17, 2014

October 29, 2009: Kids say...Who's on first?

Setup: We are finishing up dinner. Jen has just introduced Ella(5) to the "Who's on first?" bit. Melanie (2.5) is watching in amazement.

Jen: Can you tell me the name of the first baseman?
Ella: Who.
Jen: The first baseman.
Ella: Who.
Jen: The guy at first.
Ella: Who.
Jen: What is the name of the first baseman?
Ella: No, he's on second.
Jen: Who's on second?
Ella: No, he's on first.
Jen: Who's on first?
Ella: Exactly.
Melanie: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Ella: I don't know.
Andy: Third base. :)

I love that Ella gets the joke. I love that Melanie understands Jen and Ella are joking and she wanted to participate.

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