Monday, February 17, 2014

March 17, 2011: Kids say...not quite "the talk"

Setup: Melanie (4 days from 4) and Noella (6) are talking with Jen. The topic turned to why daddy only has a brother (and not a sister).

Jen: ... God picked those two boys for GraMarie and Papa, because they would be good parents for those two boys. And God gave us two girls, because that was perfect for us. You're a miracle.
Melanie: How did God put us here? Did he put us through the roof?
Jen : No sweetie. You didn't go through the roof. You grew in mommy's tummy.
<brief pause>
Melanie: But how does God put a baby in your tummy, mommy?
<brief pause>
Noella: I don't think anybody knows that part.
<brief pause>
Melanie: I think mommy and daddy know.
<brief pause>
Jen was able to give an answer that they accepted that didn't really get into the mechanics.

Each of those pauses was filled simultaneously with the desire to bust out laughing as well as the awkward concern of trying to determine how much we need to explain to a 4 year old who just asked if God puts babies through roofs. It's cute that Melanie seems to be further along this path. (I'm curious how soon she'll question the logistics of a magical candy-bearing bunny.) :)

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