Setup: Bedtime. Reading "Dear Tooth Fairy" with Melanie(3.75). She's pulled out the little fold up Fairy Riddler and is trying her best to quiz me.
Melanie: Pick a number.
Andy: Fourteen.
Melanie: One. Two... No, Daddy. That number's not there.
Andy: Oh. Sorry. Nine. (Which he knows also isn't there.)
Melanie: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine.
[As she does this, she's closing her fingers which makes the paper game munch like a Pac Man. She doesn't have the bidirectional motion down at all, but, as far as she can tell, she's doing it exactly like Daddy does it. :) ]
Melanie: Pick a fairy.
Andy: The Blue one.
[More chomping.]
Melanie: Pick a fairy.
Andy: The Green one.
[Melanie opens up the puzzle. There are pictures along with the questions.]
Melanie("reading"): When does the water splash up onto the shore?
Andy(taking a guess based on the picture): At night.
Melanie: No. When the water splashes up *onto* the shore.
Andy: Oooh. Well, I can't argue with that. Good question, sweetie.
I can't truly capture the distinction in meter and tone of voice between the question and answer here, but there was a bit of a pause and definite emphasis at the *onto* in the answer.
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