Friday, April 9, 2021

Facebook advice for the incoming president


Paul (uncle)

January 21, 2021

For President Biden: I like that you’re for unity. It’s clearly been lacking from some in your party. How about telling Nancy who’s boss in town and make her stop her impeachment plan, which is fueled by nothing but her hatred of former President Trump. I think it would be a very helpful step toward unity in this town.

Paul (uncle)

*Ask her nicely, and let the press know.

Lee (sister-in-law)

Have you tried the thought experiment where Obama incited a mob to storm the Capitol, resulting in several deaths, and then you asked President McCain to call off Mitch McConnell’s impeachment trial in the hope of prioritizing unity over accountability? If Trump’s actions aren’t impeachable, what is?

Paul (uncle)

Nice to hear from you, Lee. I have a couple of responses.

1. Your thought experiment fails for me because one could not impeach Obama without being labeled racist, which is a game changer. Here's a question: is my comment racist? I'm asking because it's really hard to tell what "racist" means today.

2. There are facts and there are opinions. Probably every word spoken by President Trump during his term was recorded. These are facts. You seem to have the opinion that President Trump "incited a mob to storm the Capitol". My opinion is that President Trump invited people to protest peacefully, which was their right. Those who committed acts of violence were far right and far left and maybe others who had an agenda to cause mayhem and trouble of various kinds. They should be rounded up and prosecuted. The President did not encourage these illegal actions. So I guess we disagree.


Paul I have a few responses to your responses.

1. a) I believe the point of Lee's thought experiment was to imagine "reversing the party polarity". I don't think the intent was to bring Obama's race into the equation. Since that seemed to be a sticking point for you, allow me to rephrase Lee's thought experiment:

Imagine "an outgoing Democrat President" incited a mob to storm the Capitol, resulting in several deaths, and then you asked "an incoming Republican President" to call off "Republican [Senate Majority Leader/Speaker of the House]'s" impeachment trial in the hope of prioritizing unity over accountability? (Note: As this is a thought experiment, we are taking this hypothetical president's actions as factually having incited a mob. This removes any "matter of opinion" concerns.)

1. b) You asserting that an Obama example would necessarily become focused on race is troubling. I don't think that that is, in and of itself, racist, but it saddens me that you'd bring it up and completely sidestep Lee's legitimate question.

1. c) I don't think the definition of racist is that elusive. I just googled and found this:

a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

As is pointed out in other comments in this thread, there are the facts of what Trump has said and typed that have been recorded and, it is my opinion, that it would not be a gross miscategorization to classify a non-trivial portion of these sentiments as "prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people" based solely on "their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group".

2. a) I agree that there are facts and there are opinions. (I consider this statement to be a fact. Perhaps one might try to argue that this is merely my opinion. Regardless, it would be an opinion we share.) Not only is Lee of the opinion that "President Trump incited a mob to storm the Capitol", but it seems that this was the opinion of 232 members of the House of Representatives. (That number, I believe, has been recorded as a fact.)

2. b) Person A may be of the opinion that 1 + 1 = 7. Person B might believe that 1 + 1 = 2 and additionally be of the opinion that Person A's assertion is false. One could say that "Person A and Person B disagree", which is true. However, stating it that way seems to give the impression that both beliefs are equally valid, appropriate, viable, and in some way "correct".

Diana (unrelated)

Andrew Anyone attempting to impeach Obama would be labeled a racist. Here is Eric Holder in 2014, “You know, people talking about taking their country back,” Holder said. “There’s a certain racial component to this for some people. I don’t think this is the thing that is a main driver, but for some there’s a racial animus.” Here is Kamala Harris in 2017, "Democrats, we know we have a long road and many fights ahead. It may get harder before it gets easier. But I’ll tell you how we take our country back. It starts with you." Obama critics were routinely labeled racist. Just type it into your search bar.


It sounds like we agree that racism remains an unresolved problem in our country. Point taken. However, the thought experiment remains: If it was a straight white able-bodied married cis-male Democrat President, who had been impeached for inciting a mob to storm the Capitol, resulting in several deaths, and the Democrats were crying out in the name of unity for the incoming Republican President to call off the trial, would you support that? Does that seem fair, right, appropriate, what you'd want, and what you think the Republicans would get behind?

Trump's impeachment had nothing to do with race. Why do you refuse to even consider the tables turned without hiding behind accusations of racism? If you'd like to discuss racism separately, I'd be delighted, but, the crux of Lee's question was if "unity over accountability" is a pill you could swallow if the shoe was on the other foot.

Why is this funny?



Why is this funny? ðŸ¤”

Driving requires a driver’s license. Voting doesn’t.

If the officer had said, “Show me your bowling ball.” And the driver replied, “I don’t have one. I’m on my way to go snorkeling.” Would that have made sense? ðŸ¤¨ Bowling and snorkeling are unrelated activities.

I’m assuming the “clever commentary” is “you ought to have your id on you whenever you drive... why wouldn’t you have it whenever you vote?” But we don’t arbitrarily require equipment across other pairs of activities. (I’m sorry sir, but I can’t let you bowl. You see, you don’t have a snorkel.)

Maybe I need to consider it from the voting angle.

Is the driver pretending to be someone he’s not? Is that the joke? Or maybe he’s actually dead and shouldn’t even be driving at all?

Dean (cousin)

We are literally the only first world country that doesn't require an ID and yes that is a joke. The most coveted right that we as Americans have, that women and minorities fought for but it's not important enough to require an ID. Absolutely disgraceful and a complete joke.


So we're in agreement about the importance and significance of voting.

It is a right that wasn't initially granted to women and minorities, but due to its critical impact on the lives of all Americans, people fought to grant them this right which they were due. (That was the right thing to do and, in retrospect, it was disgraceful to have denied them this right in the first place.)

All Americans with the right to vote ought to be able to exercise this right.

Not voting is disrespectful to those who have fought to preserve this right.

Preventing rightful voters from voting would be unamerican.

Making voting more difficult, especially in ways that disproportionately affect minorities and poorer communities... why that's down-right criminal.

Voter ID laws deprive many Americans of the right to vote. There are 21 million Americans who don't have government-issued photo id. Getting such an id costs time and money. Perhaps to you and me, the expense and inconvenience doesn't feel like much of a burden, but we're fortunate enough to not be living paycheck to paycheck and can afford to take time off to go wait in line at the DMV.

Kevin (cousin)

If having an ID is too hard for people to do, which (having been very poor for a periods in my own life and working multiple jobs to survive) I must say I find hard to believe, then how shall people guarantee citizenship? Or do you perhaps accept that a percentage of non citizens should be entitled to vote? What percentage?


I'll defer to James' post below in regard to whether or not your finding it difficult gives credence to the disbelief that anybody else might experience a barrier.

Is your argument that, without requiring ID, there is a significant amount of non-citizens voting? Within any state of your choosing, how much of an impact do you imagine this group is having? What percentage?

I suspect it isn't a material amount and I'm confident it pales in comparison to the 21 million American citizens, who should be allowed to vote, who don't have ids. Percentage wise, that's approximately 11%.

Kevin (cousin)

I understand your point, though I am not sure I buy it. Nonetheless, you didn't answer the question. How many non citizens should be entitled to vote?


Which point don't you buy?

1) That the experience of a straight, able-bodied white cismale under age 55 who was "working multiple jobs to survive" may not completely represent the reality of the entirety of our population.

2) That the statistic of 11% of Americans currently not having government issued photo ID (citation below), who should not be impeded from exercising their right to vote, will surpass an implied quantity of non-citizens who are alleged to be voting.

But, to your question: How many non-citizens should be entitled to vote?

"Entitled to" - You and I both know that answer is zero.

"Run the risk of being allowed to vote due to not adding more obstacles (that disproportionately impact minorities) to the system which would render 11% of the current voting-eligible citizenry incapable of voting" - I won't give you a number, but Benjamin Franklin has a maxim regarding liberties with a number in it which seems apt: "That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer."

If you show me, with actual data, that there is a significant quantity of non-citizens voting, then we could address this "problem". Until then, I suggest we deal with the reality that we have actual American citizens, who have the right to vote, who will be directly adversely impacted by this additional requirement.

Kevin (cousin)

I have to be able to trust our system. Don't you feel this need as well? Or are you ok with the current situation because the current default benefits your personal election choices more often than not? I hope you can answer truthfully.

I'm not sure what my race has to do with anything. Maybe you can explain why I can't "get it" since I'm not a part of a special group defined by race. The point is, I'm no better than anyone else, and at points in my life I was no more priveleged than that 11% you speak of. I had no car, no TV, no cell phones, I lived in terrible conditions, and not quite enough money to pay rent and get quite enough food. Yet I had identification. I had to ride a bike across town to make sure I had it, and one time I may have taken a bus. Where there is a will, there is a way.

If the issue is that it's too difficult to prove citizenship, then it would make sense to focus on that rather than creating new, complicating problems to accommodate existing problems. If your argument were to make it easy to prove citizenship, I would surely support your cause.


What part of the current system are you not trusting?

Do you think there's a coordinated effort amongst non-citizens to flood elections with invalid ballots?

Do you think that having more convenient options (increased polling locations, broader access to mail-in voting, etc.) for valid voters to vote is harmful?

Do you think that by closing voting locations and then criminalizing providing water to people in line that you'll weed out would-be fraudulent voters?

What current defaults are benefiting anybody's election choices more often than not?

I referenced sexuality, lack of physical disabilities, race, gender identity matching gender assigned at birth, gender, and age in my description of you. The point of that description was to call out that, even though *you* may "find it hard to believe", that doesn't make it false. You and I both enjoy privilege, much of which we're not regularly aware. (Such is the nature of privilege.)

Fact: Minority voters disproportionately lack ID. Nationally, approximately 25% of African-American citizens of voting age lack government-issued photo ID, compared to only 8% of whites.

That would be one reason I brought up race.

Fact: The travel required is often a major burden on people with disabilities, the elderly, or those in rural areas without access to a car or public transportation. In Texas, some people in rural areas must travel approximately 170 miles to reach the nearest ID office.

It's great that you were able to bike or bus to secure your id, but if you were a single parent of 2 working those 3 jobs just to make ends meet, and suddenly needed to travel 170 miles to get an id to allow you to vote, wouldn't it be fair to consider that a hardship. Sure, where there's a will and all, but I think it's harsh to just assume someone without an id is lazy or just doesn't care.

"If the issue is that it's too difficult to prove citizenship..."

Is that the issue? That wasn't my issue.

"... then it would make sense to focus on that rather than creating new, complicating problems …"

Am I creating complicated problems? I'm not the one proposing that a single parent devote their entire day attempting to secure identification just because some people are claiming there's a non-citizen voting cartel or some such.

"to accommodate existing problems..."

Existing problems like low voter turnout and disinterest? Or are you talking about problems like gerrymandering?

"If your argument were to make it easy to prove citizenship,"

Again, I don't recall having brought this up.

"I would surely support your cause."

Well, yeah, because it's actually your own cause. But, sure, I can get behind that. If you've got an easy way to prove citizenship, that doesn't disproportionally cause hardship for people, especially minorities or other groups that already fight an uphill battle in our society, then three cheers for you.

Dean (cousin)

What's amazing to me is that Mexico and Canada require IDs but we are supposed to believe that here in the US it's just to much to ask. I wonder how two countries with such contrasting economic means still make it work?

That article is obviously politically bias, I mean let's be honest it's the ACLU. Why are there 21 million people without IDs? They are NOT that hard to get and I can't remember the last time I saw anyone under the age of 40 that doesn't have a phone they could use to get one. This argument is old and tired, it has been for years. There was a time where I might have agreed with it but it just isn't true anymore. All this issue is anymore is political race baiting.

I agree that there is issues for some people making it to the polls but again if a country like Mexico that suffers a from a lot of poverty can do it why can't we? I mean Afghanistan had elections where you are required to have a government issued ID, they dipped their fingers in ink after they voted so they couldn't vote twice AND they did it under the threat of the Taliban murdering them, possibly there whole family. Why did that election look like it had more integrity than ours? In my lifetime I've never seen such a sh** show and less restrictions will undoubtedly make it worse. I personally just want some integrity back.

Kevin (cousin)

Andrew, this discussion is completely without direction. I suspect it never had a chance.

Guess I'm not woke enough to follow your rage-tinged logic. I do see that, with any conversation where we may not agree, you're right, I'm wrong, and that's that regardless of the chatter.

Best luck to you with your cause. I thought Paul's post was kinda funny.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Checking in on "my friends"... "Randy" and "Jean"

Randy -> Jean                               Winter vacation
8/18/19 7:40 PM

I would like to take one of my week-long vacations with the girls. I don't want to take them out of school. I'm wondering if you'd be willing to swap Christmas (mine) and New Years (yours) this year. If we swap those, I would then take my week of time from Monday 12/30 through Monday 1/6. To avoid a three-weekends-in-a-row situation, I'd swap 1/10-1/12 (mine) for 1/3-1/5 (yours).

Here's how the weekends look now and would look with this change:

Fr Sa Su now... new
06 07 08 Jean.... Jean
13 14 15 Randy Randy
20 21 22 Jean.... Jean
27 28 29 Randy Randy
03 04 05 Jean.... Randy
10 11 12 Randy Jean
17 18 19 Jean.... Jean
24 25 26 Randy Randy

Jean -> Randy                               Re: Winter vacation
8/20/19 10:46 PM

I already have plans for my holiday and my weekend.

Randy -> Jean                               Re: Winter vacation
8/29/19 10:25 PM

As you’ve pointed out, missing school is particularly hard on Emma. Since that second week of winter break is booked with your vacation, I’d like to take a vacation during the first week. The current obstacle being that you have them from 5pm on the 24th through noon on the 25th. Is there any trade I could offer that would allow me to have an entire week while the girls are out of school?

Jean -> Randy                               Re: Winter vacation
8/30/19 11:59 AM

I already have plans for my Christmas Eve Holiday.

Jean -> Randy                               vacation
8/30/19 11:59 AM

I noticed you scheduled vacation in December.
You will need to adjust this schedule due to the following issues
- each vacation is 7 days and they cannot be schedule back to back
- Neither parent is to have 3 weekends in a row

Please adjust your vacation to comply with the agreement.

Randy -> Jean                               re: vacation
9/20/19 9:01 AM

My family will be taking a vacation in December.

Our first choice is to swap Christmas and New Years and take a trip in the window from 12/28 - 1/5.

Our second choice is to offer some sort of trade for Christmas Eve night, so that we could go in the window from 12/21 - 12/28.

You have chosen to block both of these, which is your right. Unfortunately, that leaves us with our least desirable option, which is to take our trip somewhere in the window from 12/11 - 12/23. This means the girls missing up to 8 days of school when they could very easily miss none.

The choice is your. I'm asking you to consider what is in the best interests of the girls. If you honestly feel that having the girls with you for the 19 hours from 12/24 @ 5:00 pm through 12/25 @ noon is worth putting them through the stress and hassle of missing school, I will enter the requisite trade of your weekend (12/20 - 12/23) for my weekend (12/27 - 12/30; minus the time through 12/28 noon, which is Christmas and redundantly giving you the time from 12/29 noon onward, which you already have as the New Years holiday).

Jean -> Randy                               re: vacation
9/21/19 8:40 AM

I have already made all of my holiday plans, including plans for my weekend of dec 20. This holiday time is very important to me and also to the girls. As my family lives very far away it is in the girls best interests not to miss the opportunity to see them.

Next year, you will have a week at new year's to take a vacation over a holiday. This year it is my turn.

If you wish to take a vacation during this busy season this year, you are certainly able to do so, You can pick 7 days between dec 9 and dec 20 (at 3 when the weekend begins). These days are outside of the busy holiday schedule that has previously been agreed on.

Randy -> Jean                               re: vacation
9/24/19 8:53 PM

I’m sorry that you have plans for the weekend of December 20, but I am taking vacation over that time, so you will need to reschedule your plans. It is unfortunate that you are unwilling to share the winter break equally so the girls will not have to miss school in order to have quality time and vacation with both of their families.

I was not able to schedule a family vacation over the summer due to the holidays, your 2 vacations, and the activities that you schedule for the girls throughout the entire summer. That is why I am taking vacation in December and again in March.

If you'd like to reconsider trades that would allow me to take a vacation either the first or second week of winter break, please let me know. Otherwise I will proceed as I have already announced.

Jean -> Randy                               re: vacation
9/26/19 5:21 PM

I have already said no. You will need to schedule your vacation for 7 days between dec 9 and dec 20 at 3:00.

Randy -> Jean                               December vacation
10/30/19 10:32 PM

The week of 12/14 - 12/20 will not work for our trip this year.
I am still open to trades that would allow for either the 1st or 2nd week of winter break.
If neither of those work, I will need the time from 12/17 5:00 pm - 12/24 5:00 pm.
I would prefer not having to take the girls out of school.
Please look your plans over and let me know which option you'd like to pursue.

Jean -> Randy                               re: December vacation
11/5/19 11:27 AM

I have already said no. You will need to schedule your vacation for 7 days between dec 9 and dec 20 at 3:00.

Jean -> Randy                               December Schedule
12/2/19 9:56 PM

I see you now have two copies of each vacation entry for December.

I have already stated that you cannot have the girls for two consecutive vacations extending from Dec 9th through Dec 24th. This is a 15 day period.

As stated in the divorce decree, vacation is a 7 day period.

Please pick 7 days between Dec 9 and 20 at 3:00pm by Wed Dec 4, otherwise we will simply follow the regular/holiday schedule for all of December.

Randy -> Jean                               re: December Schedule
12/3/19 11:17 PM

I left the "trade instances" on the calendar to show that my request had been entered back in September. You are welcome to reject them as their records will still exist.

Where in the decree does it state that a parent may not have 14 consecutive nights with the girls?
Where in the decree does it state that vacations can't be back-to-back?
Where in the decree does it state that plans made by one parent during their own regular parenting time can prevent the other parent from taking vacation time?

I believe minimizing the amount of time out of school serves the girls' best interests. As such, I am willing to not take my first week of vacation this year, under the condition that I may use those days next year. Therefore, my vacation will then simply be from 5:00 pm on 12/17 through 5:00 pm on 12/24. This is the vacation that I entered on September 1st, which is well before the 30 day notification requirement. Any attempt to block me from having this time will be denial of parenting time on your part.

Jean -> Randy                               re: December Schedule
12/4/19 9:31 AM

Vacation cannot be carried over. The decree clearly states
"Each party shall have up to two vacation periods, each lasting up to seven days"

Dec 13 to Dec 24 is 10 days not 7 days.

I would be happy for you to have vacation Dec 13 at 3pm to Dec 20 at 3pm. Which is a 7 day period.

If these are the days you would like, please enter the trade from Dec 16 at 8am - Dec 20th at 3pm.

If these are not the days you would like, please pick 7 days between Dec 9 and 20 at 3:00pm by today, Wed Dec 4, otherwise we will simply follow the regular/holiday schedule for all of December.

Randy -> Jean                               re: December Schedule
12/4/19 2:54 PM

The vacation that I have entered is from December 17th at 5:00 pm through December 24th at 5:00 pm.

Any attempt to block me from this will be considered a denial of parenting time.

Jean -> Randy                               re: December Schedule
12/4/19 3:39 PM

I have indicated multiple times that I am unable and unwilling to trade away my regular parenting time on the weekend of Dec 20-22.

You cannot have vacation over these days.

Saying no to trading away my weekend, is not a denial of your parenting time.

There are many different ways you can schedule a 7 day vacation between Dec 9 and Dec 20 at 3.

Please pick 7 days between Dec 9 and 20 at 3:00pm by today, Wed Dec 4, otherwise we will simply follow the regular/holiday schedule for all of December.

Randy -> Jean                               re: December Schedule
12/4/19 5:55 PM

My vacation time is from 12/17 at 5:00 pm through 12/24 at 5:00 pm. I entered it over 30 days in advance and it does not conflict with any holidays.

I am not asking you to “trade away” your regular parenting time. That time is no longer your parenting time because “Vacation time has priority over the regular weekly parenting time schedule.” (5.f)

Jean -> Randy                               re: December Schedule
12/4/19 6:14 PM

Please pick 7 days between Dec 9 and 20 at 3:00pm by today, Wed Dec 4, otherwise we will simply follow the regular/holiday schedule for all of December.

Randy -> Jean                               re: December Schedule
12/4/19 7:29 PM

Can you please tell me which clause in the decree gives you the power to restrict which days I can take as my vacation?

My vacation is from 12/17 at 5 pm through 12/24 at 5 pm.

I’m sorry if this is inconvenient for you. In the future, I would prefer discussion, negotiation, and compromise earlier in the process.

Jean -> Randy                               re: December Schedule
12/4/19 8:59 PM

Please pick 7 days between Dec 9 and 20 at 3:00pm by today, Wed Dec 4, otherwise we will simply follow the regular/holiday schedule for all of December.

Jean -> Randy                               re: December Schedule
12/5/19 8:54 PM

As you did not choose 7 days between Dec 9 and 20 for your vacation, We will follow the regular/holiday schedule for all of December.

Randy -> Jean                               re: December Schedule
12/5/19 9:41 PM

I have two validly requested vacations on the calendar.
You've announced that you intend to deny me both of them.

You do not have the right to impose a deadline and then try to state that the December schedule will be reset because I didn't meet it to your liking.

As we appear to be at an impasse, and in the best interest of the girls, I will modify my vacations as follows:
- I will shorten my first vacation to be from 12/10 at 5:00 pm through 12/13 at 5:00 pm.
- I will shorten my second vacation to be from 12/17 at 5:00 pm through 12/20 at 3:00 pm.

This allows my family to spend time with the girls and won't interfere with the trip you have planned during your regular parenting time.

Jean -> Randy                               re: December Schedule
12/5/19 10:00 PM

As you did not choose 7 days between Dec 9 and 20 for your vacation, We will follow the regular/holiday schedule for all of December.

This subject is closed.

Randy -> Jean                               re: December Schedule
12/5/19 10:07 PM

I actually only chose 6. (12/10 - 12/13 is 3. 12/17 - 12/20 is 3.)
Furthermore, there's not a restriction as to how of my vacation days I can take in a given month.

This is yet another example of powers you are claiming for yourself that are not spelled out in the decree. Please stop trying to deny my time with the girls.

Jean -> Randy                               re: December Schedule
12/7/19 10:48 PM

Melanie tells me that you texted her that she would be with you for vacation next week.
She is very concerned about being at your home for 7 days now that Corina is smoking but she indicated that she would still very much like to go.

She also indicated that you told her that the vacation would be from
Monday Dec 9 after school until monday Dec 16 before school.
With the added note that Melanie would like to come here after school on Tuesday Dec 10 to dress and do hair for her concert and then go back to your house after the concert

This does not match the current entries on the calendar, nor does it match anything you have stated in the past on this subject. I do not see any new trades entered to confirm this is your request.

This is a 7 day period as I have requested, so I can agree to this. Please confirm if this is your new vacation plan. If so please enter the necessary trade for Dec 10-Dec 13

Noella also mentioned that you texted. I am encouraging her to make plans for a dinner with you.

Randy -> Jean                               re: December Schedule
12/8/19 1:49 PM

The calendar had already been updated.
* 12/9 is my regular Monday parenting time.
* I had already shortened my first vacation to now go from 12/10 at 5:00 pm through 12/13 at 5:00 pm. (3 days instead of the 7 to which I am entitled.)
* My regularly scheduled weekend with the girls is from 12/13 a 5:00 pm through 12/16 at 8:00 am.
* I had already shortened my second vacation to now go from 12/17 at 5:00 pm through 12/20 at 3:00 pm. (3 days instead of the 7 to which I am entitled.)

I don't need to enter any "trades". As you had recently reminded me, vacations are simply entered as "events" and don't require approval from the other parent.

If you need me to have on the calendar the fact that Melanie asked to ride Tuesday's afternoon bus to your house, so that you can do her hair, and that I'd take her home after the concert I certainly could. Since she paused our FaceTime to go ask you about this option, I figured you were on board.

With respect to my second vacation, Melanie was initially quite worried about spending 2 straight weeks away from mommy. I hadn't actually mentioned anything about the second week yet. However, she and I talked through the fact that she was definitely going back to mommy’s house in the afternoon on Monday, 12/16. I also told her that, if she didn't feel she had had enough time with mommy, I'd be fine with her going back to your house on any of those other nights. I just wanted her to know that she's definitely welcome to be here.

Jean -> Randy                               re: December Schedule
12/8/19 3:03 PM

It is important that the calendar reflects agreement on where the children will be sleeping each night. Since your vacation is partly on my parenting time, there is need of an agreed on trade that clearly indicates the schedule. My vacation over new years occurs entirely within my regular parenting time, so I did not need to create a trade. This is not to imply that your vacation does not require a trade.

If you intend to have vacation with Melanie from Dec 9 at 3 to Dec 16 at 3 then my parenting time from 6:30 on Dec 10 until your weekend begins Fri Dec 13 at 5 needs to be properly traded so that the calendar is accurate. Those days are still my days until there is an agreed trade.

If you enter that trade I will be happy to accept it.

Melanie will be with me the week of Dec 16 -20 so there is no need for any trade to be entered for that time.

Randy -> Jean                               re: December Schedule
12/9/19 12:00 AM

The decree states:
(5.e) Each party shall have up to two vacation periods, each lasting up to seven days, with the minor children each year. Petitioner's 4th of July week with family shall be considered one of her two vacation periods. Each party shall provide the other written notice of their intended use of vacation time at least thirty (30) days prior to use. Parents may claim vacation on a first in time basis.

Nowhere in the decree does it say that the non-vacationing parent has the right to refuse vacation time. In fact, the decree continues in the next paragraph:
(5.f) Holidays have priority over the regular weekly parenting time schedule and vacation time. Vacation time has priority over the regular weekly parenting time schedule.

The fact that some of my vacation time falls on your regular parenting time is a product of the fact that I have no 7-day spans in the regular parenting schedule. You, on the other hand, have a 7-day span every 2 weeks.

It appears that entering my vacations as "events" doesn't update the overnights in the monthly thumbnail. I've edited both of my "trades" to reflect the same spans. Please accept them and then the calendar will show the appropriate coloring throughout.

Jean -> Randy                               re: December Schedule
12/9/19 8:28 AM

You updated an event not a trade. I went ahead and created a trade on your behalf. Please accept it to allow the calendar to be accurate and indicate that you will have your vacation Dec 9 3:00 through Dec 16 3:00.

I was not able to include tomorrow in the trade (Dec 10). However, we will follow the schedule Melanie requested despite the inaccuracy of the calendar. I will bring her to the concert, and she will go to your house after the concert.

Please let me know if you will be out of town any of those days, Melanie indicated you were staying home but Noella said there was a water park trip.

Randy -> Jean                               re: December Schedule
12/9/19 10:16 AM

Due to the struggles in getting on the same page regarding my vacations (which I still believe we haven't fully), we have had to move the out-of-town portion of our trip to December 26th. I have added that event.

We will be in town on the 11th, so I'd like to confirm where I should be taking Melanie for confirmation. I searched the calendar and info bank, but found no details.