Your child has cancer.
At the time, this no doubt sounded like a death sentence.
It wasn't fair. It wasn't possible. Here's their smiling little Spiderman on his 3rd birthday:
Here's their sad little Superman, only a month later, obviously impacted by the cancerous kryptonite within:
But this is not the sad story of a sullen Superman. Today is brought to you by the number 35, which is how many years it's been since that fateful day. Thanks to the support of family, friends, medical professionals, and countless others I'll never meet, I am pleased to report that I'll be attending my 20 year High School reunion tomorrow.
Cancer sucks.
This is one of the few things about which the Internet seems to agree.
It will impact each and every one of you; either directly or through someone you love.
Hearing those terrible words stings; it may rock you to your core. But you must fight back. You must rock harder. Know that no one fights alone. Find strength in those around you and take each day one step at a time.
For those about to rock, I salute you.
On Friday I will be taking part in the survivor lap at a Relay For Life event in Burnsville. If you'd like to attend, donate, or get any more info, you can follow this link:
Your support is appreciated. Let's celebrate our victories, honor those who were taken too soon, and put an end to the power cancer has.
Come join the fight!